02 The Embarking

We set off for Antwerp early in the morning. I took a private plane with Otto and Sylvia, and we arrived before the others in time to get a car for everyone. I upgraded the accommodation Sylvia arranged; it would not do to have anything less than the Regal Suites. They were pricey, however, seeing as Clementine and the Yanks were there to investigate in secrecy, it seemed appropriate that they had enough private space to
collaborate and conspire.

It turns out that the contact that Lisbeth set up for the Yanks was the orchestra conductor on the ship, a Charles Fischer. While jazz is not my forte, he is a competent musician. Charles made contact and the Yanks said it was a little cryptic, but more will be revealed tomorrow. Apparently, Charles pulled some strings to get them on board, so, under the guise of being associated with a newspaper (my Kether Report) the group has been assigned the task of interviewing a crew member on board before her retirement. I have to remember to hand off an outline that The Red Line sent along with some of the questions they would like this Violet to be asked to make up the article.

I was and am concerned about the Yanks. One of their number seemed to have slipped something potent into his bloodstream as he was out for the entire trip and the entire first day. Perhaps, opium?

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  1. Clementine Traherne

    I think we will need the list of questions for the interview. These Yanks can be a hard number, hopefully not pikers. That Mick does have me worried how he took the fight the fish-man.

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