00 The Gathering

The time is HERE!

I am excited to see that there will be an historic turnout at London’s National Laboratory of Psychical Research for series of talks featuring many of the great (as well as some not so great) voices like Harvey Spencer Lewis, Siegfried Adolf Kummer (though with all that’s going on in Germany at the moment..?), Gregor A. Gregorius (also…Germany?), Robert Collier (whom I must chat with about his publishing of Mind Magazine if I’m ever to get The Kether Report into a modern magazine form instead of the flimsy folded paper that it is), and of course Lisbeth Seidler, who predicted the start of the Great war(I think we’re all looking to see if this new turmoil in Europe will spark some new predictions).

I was most disappointed to hear that Dion Fortune declined the invitation to speak due to personal issues. She’s been such a great voice but has seemed to be slipping from the spotlight these last few years. I am just as disenchanted that the inevitable Aleister Crowley is now the key note speaker in her stead. I take consolation in the fact that his unsavory character does, at least, drum up publicity though I’m not sure if I buy into the idea that there is no such thing as BAD publicity. I feel that Crowley and Barnum have a lot in common.

Several of The Kether Report’s contributors and readers will be there, Many I will be meeting for the first time for better or for worse. I believe I saw that young archeologist girl, glad to see she’s following her grandfather’s path, though I wonder if she has that amulet…

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